Our Sunday School program is offered weekly from 10:30-11:30 AM (Sept. – May) for all kids K through fifth grade.
We use the Sparkhouse Digital Lectionary curriculum and the Action Bible to explore the text. Most lessons and activities connect to the scripture read in church. Each person in your family will hear the same message and, therefore, the scripture and meaning can be applied at home and out in the community during the week.
We begin most weeks with a Sparkhouse Digital video that relates to one of the lectionary lessons, then we read the Action Bible corresponding to the lesson. Next we have conversations about how the lesson impacts us today, as well as how we can be better neighbors in our community. Our Sunday School is not just about children sitting in a class listening to a teacher tell them how Jesus wants them to act. We use games ( Uno, Bible Bingo, Lego, etc.) so the children can have fun and build positive relationship with each other and Jesus.
Please contact Sandy Tillotson for details.
On Sunday mornings, from 10:30-11:30 a.m., Pilgrim’s middle and high school youth are invited to a wide variety of experiences. We start every Sunday with packing food bags for the students at Firgrove Elementary School.
As we continue to see families and youth come back, we are trying to feed what the youth most need on Sunday mornings. For the last few Sundays of 2021, we will be focusing on play, rest, and renewal. Come to the Eagle’s Wing to see what we are doing between 10:30-11:30am. Bring your laughter, your openness, and yourself!
Join us on the first Sunday of the month for Cross+Gen Sunday School. This is a time to intentionally focus on building relationships between members of different generations. We call this time Cross+Generational because it is indeed across the generations that we come together at the cross of Jesus Christ.
Join us as we learn and laugh together!
Sunday 10:45am: Adult Bible Study
Tuesday 10am: Bible Study
Preview and wrestle with the scripture readings for the coming Sunday. You may start at any time in person or via Zoom.
Wednesday 7am: Text Study
This Wednesday morning study meets via Zoom to study the texts for this coming Sunday. We would love to have you join us.
Wednesday 12pm: Men’s Book Tribe
The men’s book club meets by Zoom at noon on Wednesdays.
Thursday Morning Women’s Study:
Currently on break.
What is confirmation?
Confirmation is a time for youth to learn what promises their families made on their behalf when they were baptized. It is also a time for asking questions about faith, life, and who God has created them to be, as they discover what they believe. At the end of the confirmation journey, confirmands will be invited to state what they believe as they make promises to God, and take faith as their own.
At Pilgrim Lutheran Church, we have decided on a retreat-based confirmation program that is experiential, relational, and grounded in scripture. It is a 3-year program that youth are eligible to start once they have reached 6th grade.
We know that life is not always ideal. One of the benefits of this type of program is that we can work with families on a more personal basis to fit the needs of your family – including being part of Confirmation even if you are beyond middle school!
An outreach of Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Little Pilgrims Preschool has earned a reputation for excellence. For more information on Little Pilgrims Preschool, please contact Jenee Muenchor visit our Little Pilgrims Preschool page.
Worship @ 9:30 am
Sunday School @ 10:30 am
Adult Education @ 10:45 am (Zoom)
Monday through Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.