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A family that operates the way God intends cares for one another in the home and actively reaches out to the neighborhood. Our goal is to do the same at Pilgrim Lutheran Church. We know each family–each person–experiences both amazing and challenging circumstances in life. That said, our goal is to be that “church family” for you.
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What does it mean to you to follow Jesus in our everyday lives?
This means to let him guide us through good and bad, thick and thin. Trust in him no matter what it may be, and he’ll know where life takes me. He will always be there for me, even at my worst.
MaiyaHigh School Student
To me walking with Jesus means recognizing Him in the eyes of each person we see. When He said "what you do to the least of these, you did to Me," that moves me to be responsive to those that need help, not out of duty but because that's what He did.
Krystal VongnatenskyChurch Member
From the prospective of my 70+ years, I can see that God has blessed me my whole life, even during the ups and downs, during faith and during times of disbelief and uncertainty. I pray, and believe, that God leads my thoughts and inspires my heart to see needs those nearby whom I can physically help, and in those far away, who I can support through charitable donations.
AnonymousChurch Member
Being a disciple of Jesus has taught me and affects my life by, making me more thankful and grateful for those around me. As well as that it entices me to act well, even when no around others. Also I respect others, even when they do not show respect to me.
Vincent4th Grade Student